I had planned to blog the comedy of our life that was getting ready for Thanksgiving traveling and it just keeps getting better.
In the Thanksgiving preparations, that consisted of healing head wounds of Jake's, parties at the school, wrapping up my classroom, picking up the millions of socks left in the dining room from the dog, interrupting games of kitchen hockey using tomatoes and avocados, finding babysitters for Bogey, Jasmine and slugbug, and trying to bring at least something, as to not show up empty handed at the host's house, their has been much humor.
I swear with each waking moment of our life it just gets more interesting, and all one can do is laugh.
Upon leaving, already late, we already had a fish rescue. Taking bags out to the car I hear Addison scream bloody murder, once again from her room. "jasmine, jasmine!" Jake is with me, so I am put a little at ease, however I hear the all too familiar cry "She's sucked up!" We run to find jasmine stuck to the filter of the newly cleaned fish tank. I call fishy 911 and after a little net finesse, Jasmine is saved.
We get on the road and I realize we have to turn back because I forgot the store bought food "I baked" for the host.
On the way to drop Bogey at Babi and Papas the 10 lb crate of dog food spills in the car, while Bogey had an amazing meal, it was not on Matt's priority list to clean his truck of dog food on the way to a trip we are already late for.
Finally, we are on the road, for the 5 hour road trip, late. The kids are starving and tired but we wanted to hold off lunch until after we passed fort Worth at about 11:30. At about 11:00 Addison is really complaining she is hungry and she honestly doesn't look all too good. I have seen those deep purple eyes and pale white skin before. We reassure her we will be at "Old MacDonalds" in about 10 minutes. I turn around to settle in to the scenery on the highway only to hear a waterfall coming from the backseat. I spin to see Addi spewing what ever it is she may have eaten that morning, not once but three or four times. She then proceeds to repeat "No one ever feeds me around here." After a quick clothes change in a crowded parking lot, we are once again on the road.
She eats her "Old MacDonalds" and is fine.
We arrive in San Angelo to the home of Granny and Poppy, after 5 long hours of "are we there yet? How much longer?"
We are here and have a great Thanksgiving with the wonderful family we see too little of.
We wake to a search of lost wedding rings and "Someone stole it." Please, it was right where you left it!:-)
The guys hit the golf course.
We, the kids, Granny and I, head out late for a little shopping. We pick up "Old MacDonalds" for a backyard picnic, so to defer Jake away from playing in the McDonalds play park, that is surely accident ridden.
I strap Jake's helmet on after the peaceful lunch and shout "30 more minutes until naps!" Granny and I sit on the driveway and watch the kids plant flowers, or rather dig up Granny and Poppy's pretty garden, ride bikes and run.
Jake runs from "planting" to show us something....second base slides on the driveway....and lays....
I mumble something under my breath, run to pick him up, and tell Granny I can't look, she has to.
Oh it's only a bloody lip she exclaims! (Granny now runs in to get rags) Phew! Because I didn't want to see a bloody face. The way he fell, 3 feet in front of me, and how hard he was running, I just knew it would be worse.
I turn him off my shoulder to take a glimpse. Geez, bloody lip? I wish! The kid's face is covered in blood.
I remove the chin strap, from the helmet he WAS wearing, and there is the biggest gash I have seen!
It is kind of humorous to me, because we defer from "Old MacDonalds" as to avoid accidents in their play area, have a picnic on nice soft grass, strap the helmet on, and are never more than 10 feet away from the kid, and "bloody gashes" still happen.
Soooo a couple hours, 12 stitches, and a face full of road rash later, Jake and I once again emerge from the all too frequented er.
Jake's as pleased as the piped piper, as he scored a new Thomas track and a few new trains. However I am still wondering "what else?"
If knowing answers to life's questions is absolutely necessary to you, then forget the journey. You will never make it, for this is a journey of unknowables -- of unanswered questions, enigmas, incomprehensibles, and, most of all, things unfair.-- Jeanne Guyon
God Bless~ Christine
Tweak by Tweak
5 months ago
"Nobody ever feeds me around here!" Oh, my goodness...laughing my a** off right now!!! That is hysterical!!!
Sounds very eventful! I am glad Jake is okay. Sorry you had to go to the ER again.
I don't know how you do it lady! The backseat dilemma, well let's just say that is a regular in our travels with our baby girl. Anywho, keep the faith and the laughter because without both life just is not the same.
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