Jake and Addison are going to have a baby brother!
They are beside themselves, to say the least! They read to him every night, have named him, and are constantly touching and kissing the sweet boy.
I have been waiting for the "right" moment to announce this surprise and figured today is as good of time as any.
Yesterday we had our 20 week sonogram. It is always such fun seeing the miracle inside of you grow, wiggle, and develop.
the good news:
The baby looks great. he was a very active little one, putting on quite the show for us on the monitor. It is truly amazing and breathtaking how little he can be inside my belly and how much you can actually see from a simply sonogram...just astonishing.
I went into the appointment thinking I was 19 weeks and a couple days. However, after a very long and intense sonogram, it looks like I am 21 weeks and a couple days. So, little man should be expected to make his arrival in early June!
The bad news:
I thought the sonogram tech was simply trying to give me tons of pics of the little guy, therefore having the sonogram last about a hour. However, I soon realized that something may be wrong.
Apparently my umbilical cord only has one vein and one artery, a condition sometimes called SUA. A healthy umbilical cord should have a vein, supplying the baby with the food, nutrients and oxygen he needs, and 2 arteries taking the junk out from the placenta that the baby doesn't need. I only have one "junk drain." This can cause many problems and birth defects with the baby. Although, this is a VERY scary diagnosis, especially if you are stupid enough, like me to google it, I am optimistic that "Miracle , Oops baby" will be just perfect!
The course of action right now, is simply for more frequent trips to the doctor to measure the baby and take some pictures.
Please say a prayer for Baby Peters! We are so blessed to be given another chance to be parents!
Jake news:
Jakey boy went through an awesome seizure free patch about 2 weeks ago. He had no nocturnal tc's we caught, and besides some battered and bruised limbs, the boy has been great.
Then...we went to the doctor last week and bragged about his period without seizures. Call it a Jinx, but now he is having 3-5 tc's a night.
I called today just to inform the dr. that from my last status report things have changed. i expected nothing to happen form it, but just for it to be journaled.
I recently heard from the nurse and she said Dr. H was taken back by this news and 3-5 was DEFINITELY too many to be having every night.
Therefore, I am to tweak some medicine. If the tweaking does not bring positive results, we are back at Cook Children's for another round of steroids and oral steroids once we are released.
Seriously, does this roller coaster ever slow down? because I want to get off!:-)
Please say a prayer for Jakerdoodle as well.
A dear friend and coworker sent me a couple verses today. Although I have read and heard this one many times, it really stood out to me on this day.
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 (New International Version)
(picture to be added later today)